The Yellow Porch Chairs

The Yellow Porch Chairs

Many of my friends know I'm always on the lookout for fun projects, so they'll call me up with random finds or offer up things they're not using anymore. The latter is the case here. My friend Alysse was looking to buy some new chairs for her patio. In the process she was getting rid of her current chairs. We both admitted they looked pretty ratty but were still in good condition if I wanted to take on the revival challenge. I said bring it on...

Here's what I had to work with:

Obviously rusty yellow wasn't an ideal color for my porch. Also note the $5 flea market find in the middle that I needed to do something with...

What a difference a few coats of spray paint makes:



This black and green set now sits across from The Patio Set I revived previously. Now my porch is complete with matching sets that await lovely weather and company.

Coming Soon (Summer 2014)...

Coming Soon (Summer 2014)...

The Growth Chart - Oct 2012

The Growth Chart - Oct 2012